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At Nexus Energía, we think about you. Plus, we like to be transparent. That’s why we make all our information available to you, so that you can make a free, safe, informed and clear decision.

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Why switch to Nexus Energía?

We are your energy partner for greater energy savings. Our team of experts offers you a personalised energy purchase strategy that ranges from market-indexed solutions to other options to minimise risks and improve profitability. Furthermore, we have over 20 years’ experience in the sector with a wide knowledge of the electricity market.

With us, you will be able to consume 100% green energy with rates at competitive prices and with no minimum-term contract.

How much does it cost to register for a new electricity and/or gas supply?

Registering with Nexus Energía is free. It may entail some cost due to the Distributor's activity. In that case, the Distributor usually bills Nexus Energía directly and we transfer it to you without adding any margin.

Can I modify the power in my contract?

From 1 June, you can modify power twice over the following 12 months (regardless of when the last power change was made). These two changes will allow you to adapt the powers of each period according to your needs. The only rule is that the powers must always follow an increasing order per period (those of each period must be equal to or greater than the previous period), except for the 2.0TD.

In the case of 3.0TD rates, at least one of the powers must be over 15 kW. In the case of 6.XTD rates, it is no longer required for at least one of the powers to be over 450kW.

What electricity band is the cheapest?

If you have a 2.0TD rate, the cheapest energy corresponds to the P3 period. This period is assigned to night-time hours from midnight to 8 a.m. on weekdays and all day on public holidays and weekends.

If you have a 3.0TD or 6.1 TD rate, the cheapest energy is for the P6 period. This period is assigned to night-time hours from midnight to 8 a.m. on weekdays and all day on public holidays and weekends.

We are your energy partner for greater energy savings. Our team of experts offers you a personalised energy purchase strategy that ranges from market-indexed solutions to other options to minimise risks and improve profitability. Furthermore, we have over 20 years’ experience in the sector with a wide knowledge of the electricity market.

With us, you will be able to consume 100% green energy with rates at competitive prices and with no minimum-term contract.
Registering with Nexus Energía is free. It may entail some cost due to the Distributor's activity. In that case, the Distributor usually bills Nexus Energía directly and we transfer it to you without adding any margin.
From 1 June, you can modify power twice over the following 12 months (regardless of when the last power change was made). These two changes will allow you to adapt the powers of each period according to your needs. The only rule is that the powers must always follow an increasing order per period (those of each period must be equal to or greater than the previous period), except for the 2.0TD.

In the case of 3.0TD rates, at least one of the powers must be over 15 kW. In the case of 6.XTD rates, it is no longer required for at least one of the powers to be over 450kW.
If you have a 2.0TD rate, the cheapest energy corresponds to the P3 period. This period is assigned to night-time hours from midnight to 8 a.m. on weekdays and all day on public holidays and weekends.

If you have a 3.0TD or 6.1 TD rate, the cheapest energy is for the P6 period. This period is assigned to night-time hours from midnight to 8 a.m. on weekdays and all day on public holidays and weekends.
Whenever we can, we bill based on actual measurements. If the bill appears as estimated, it is because the distributor, who is legally responsible for reading the meter, has not given us the readings. This information is constantly regularised in subsequent bills with the information received from the distributor.
It is a reading obtained based on the best information available on the billing date. If information from the distributor has not yet arrived, we perform the calculation based on the consumption data provided by the customer when signing the contract, according to historical data from that same supply point or other projections always based on the best information available at any given time.

Normally, we do not receive the reading from the distributor at the end of the month, but in the middle, which allows the amount to be extrapolated in order to bill you for the remaining days of the month. This information is constantly being regularised in subsequent invoices with the information that we receive from the distributor.
The party responsible for taking the readings is the distributor according to the regulations. You can find information about your readings in your Customer Area on our website.
The price that appears on the bill is equivalent to the price in the contract divided across 365 days of the year and expressed in € cents/kW per day and on the contract it appears in €/kW per year.
When you have a new bill available, we notify you by email, which informs you of the amount and includes the link to access your Customer Area where you can view the complete bill.

In your Customer Area, you can find all the detailed information of your bills. You can access the Customer Area using the username and password provided in the welcome email. In case you don’t remember it, you can update it at any time on our website.
This does not happen often, but if it does, it may be due to the courier service or an error in the email. If this happens, you can call us on 900 81 85 33.
It is energy that some devices generate when operating, but that is not useful for their operation and harms the electrical system. The system regulator sets a penalty cost for this. If this reactive energy is high, it will mean an additional cost in the bill. To eliminate this additional cost, the solution is to install a capacitor bank unit. If you have had over X months with a reactive cost overrun, you may be interested in contracting a capacitor bank to correct it. If this is your case, you can call us on 900 81 85 33 and we will assist you.
We are your energy partner for greater energy savings. Our team of energy experts offers you a personalised energy purchase strategy that ranges from market-indexed solutions to other options to minimise risks and improve profitability.

In addition, we help you adjust your contracted power to obtain maximum savings and we offer you rates at competitive prices and with no minimum-term contract.

With us, you can use 100% green energy. If you join us, we will advance together on the path of the energy transition to achieve a more sustainable future.

We have over 20 years’ experience in the sector and we have a deep knowledge of the electricity market.
Registering with Nexus Energía is free. It may entail some cost due to the Distributor's activity. In that case, the Distributor usually bills Nexus Energía directly and we transfer it to you without adding any margin.
Switching electricity companies is quick and easy! We calculate your Nexus Energía rate with your CUPS number. You can register on our website to start the contract process, or you can also call us on 900 81 85 3 and a sales manager will get in touch with you.

You don't have to process anything. Just fill out the contract form. Once you have contracted our service, you will have access to your Customer Area. There you can check online or download all your bills, your energy use details and your contracts. The data can be filtered by one supply point or several in order to see the consumption evolution and billing for each one or as a whole. You can also download documents in different formats to compare and analyse the evolution of the energy you have consumed and the payments made.
No. You can end your contract with Nexus Energía whenever you want without having to pay any penalties.
Not at all. The supply is guaranteed by law, and the electricity distribution network is the same for all energy companies. Any fault in the supply will not cause problems for customers from different marketers. The liberalisation of the electricity market has separated the distribution and marketing activities so that this does not happen.
The prices that you signed with us are subject to review by the administration on a quarterly basis. The administration regulates tolls and charges and other regulated items, and in the event that they suffer a variation, these are regularised in the prices that appear on your bill.
The toll and charge items are regulated costs that are reflected in detail in the electricity bill.

On the one hand, the tolls reflect the costs associated with the operations of the sector (distribution and transmission), and the charges, on the other, reflect the costs associated with the energy policy (the financing of renewable energy, the financing of the tariff deficit and 50% of the extra cost of insular generation).

Tolls and charges are applied to power (fixed component) and energy (variable component). In other words, we have energy and power tolls and energy and power charges.
The new rates applied from 1 June 2021 based on the rate change set out in Circular 3/2020, which are detailed in your bill, are the following:

- If you have contracted less than 15 kW power in Low Voltage, your rate will be 2.0TD.

- If you have contracted over 15 kW power in Low Voltage, your rate will be 3.0TD.

- If before 1 June you had a 3.1A or 6.1A High Voltage rate, you will have a 6.1TD rate.

- If before 1 June you had a 6.2A High Voltage rate, you will have a 6.2TD rate.

- If before 1 June you had a 6.3A High Voltage rate, now you will have a 6.3TD.

- If before 1 June you had a 6.4A or 6.5A High Voltage rate, you will have a 6.4TD rate.

From 1 June, you can modify power twice over the following 12 months (regardless of when the last power change was made). These two changes will allow you to adapt the powers of each period according to your needs. The only rule you should follows is that the powers must always follow an increasing order per period (those of each period must be equal to or greater than the previous period), except for the 2.0TD.

In the case of 3.0TD rates, at least one of the powers must be over 15 kW. In the case of 6.XTD rates, it is no longer required for at least one of the powers to be over 450kW.

We take care of managing it. You can request it by email and we will send you a form to fill out, indicating the current power and the new power you want to request.
If you have a 2.0TD rate, the cheapest energy corresponds to the P3 period. This period is assigned to night-time hours from midnight to 8 a.m. on weekdays and all day on public holidays and weekends.

If you have a 3.0TD or 6.1 TD rate, the cheapest energy corresponds to the P6 period. This period is assigned to night-time hours from midnight to 8 a.m. on weekdays and all day on public holidays and weekends.
To date, we do not have a joint offer for electricity and gas. If you are an SME or company, we can offer you a supply of both electricity and gas. If you want a personalised offer, you just have to call our customer service line on 900 81 85 33 and a sales manager will get in touch with you.
If the meter belongs to the Distributor company, it is the Distributor who bills Nexus Energía, and we pass it on directly and without charging any type of extra cost to your company.
Incidents in the grid, such as cuts, voltage fluctuations, etc., are managed with the distribution company through Nexus Energía, by calling customer service on 900 81 85 33. Then, a sales manager will get in touch with you.
The Universal Supply Point Code (CUPS, in Spanish) is like the meter’s passport number. The easiest way to find it is in the customer data of your electricity bill, but you can also find it on your meter. It is an important piece of information since it identifies your exact supply point.
Marketers buy electricity from distributors, and bill the end consumer. Since the liberalisation of the energy market in Spain in 1998, the two figures that can operate in the electricity market are the electricity distributors and marketers.

You can freely choose which electricity and gas marketer you want to sign a contract with.

Nexus Energía was founded in 2000 when a dozen distributors throughout Spain got together to create a marketer that is committed to teaching its customers how a more efficient use of energy is possible and to promoting the development of renewable energies.
There are two markets: the regulated market and the free market. The free electricity market is an energy market in which each consumer can choose their electricity supplier, i.e., their marketer. This market was created through the liberalisation of the Spanish electricity market promoted in 1998.

The free-market marketers offer all kinds of offers, both prices indexed to the market, according to the hourly price of the Iberian Market Operator (OMIE), and fixed prices, a single price for kWh usually for an annual period.

Regulated marketers, which are those authorised by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, apply the regulated VPSC (Voluntary Price for the Small Consumer) tariff. The VPSC tariff has a price that changes hour by hour and day by day according to supply-demand between those producing energy (the generating company) and those selling it to the consumer (the marketer).

Therefore, the daily evolution of the market and the fluctuation of prices affects consumers who are in the regulated market more directly.
We understand renewable or green energy as electricity that has been generated through renewable energy sources; i.e., those that use natural resources that are estimated to be unlimited.
1. Solar energy that uses the sun as a resource
2. Wind energy that uses the wind as a resource
3. Hydraulic energy, which uses river water as a resource
4. Biomass, which uses crop or forest residues
5. The energy obtained from organic waste (manure, sludge, MSW)

In contrast to other forms of conventional generation such as thermal or nuclear, these technologies do not pollute the environment, as they do not contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases, nor do they generate radioactive waste.
The energy that companies consume comes from electricity-generating companies in different types of generation plants: photovoltaic, thermal, nuclear, hydraulic plants, etc.
Nexus Energía is a certified 100% green energy marketer. The European Union grants guarantee of origin certificates to that energy supplied that comes from renewable energy production plants. This is the procedure to ensure that companies support, if you consider it appropriate, the companies that can give you such guarantees of origin.

Currently, there is no other way to support renewable energy as a consumer. Obviously, we cannot guarantee that the electrons used by your company come from a specific plant, but you can be sure that we have put into the network as many "renewable electrons" as you consume as Nexus Energía customers.
There are different agents that are in charge of different activities in the electricity sector:

- Energy producers (free market): the companies that generate energy, which can be renewable (wind, hydraulic, solar energy...) or non-renewable (nuclear energy, coal...)

- Energy transmission (regulated market): in Spain, energy transmission is managed by Red Eléctrica de España (REE), which is the owner of all the infrastructures that make it possible to transmit electricity at very high voltage and over long distances, from production plants to substations.

- Energy distributors (regulated market): In Spain, energy distribution is regulated. The distributors are the companies responsible for transmitting energy from the networks to the transformation centres and to end customers, maintaining the distribution facilities and guaranteeing the quality of the supply. They are also in charge of taking the measurement of the supply points.

- Energy marketers (free market): this is what we do. We are the intermediaries between the end consumer and the rest of the market agents. Marketers buy energy from the Spanish Iberian Market Operator (OMIE) and sell it to end consumers. At Nexus Energía, we advise you with an energy purchase strategy and we offer you personalised rates adapted to your actual needs so that you can improve your energy efficiency and your profitability.

- The Spanish Iberian Market Operator (OMIE): it is in charge of managing the day-ahead and intraday markets, where the producers sell their energy and the marketers buy it. Market prices are public for everyone.